The word Heyoka is borrowed from the Lakota Indians. A Heyoka is an unusual character in the Native American community whose aim is to help you see all things from different perspectives. Often he is looked upon from external circles as a fool or a clown because of his actions being perceived as doing things backwards. Ultimately it is a Heyoka’s desire to help you find your answers from within but forcing you to look outside traditional methodologies for solutions. There are no boxes or boundaries for a Heyoka way of thought and thus the reason we chose this name for our organization. In Native American mythology one becomes a Heyoka after encountering a thunderbird in a dream or being struck by lightning.
We have chosen to represent the thunderbird in our logo looking in opposite directions of a circle and one image being a shadow type image of the other. Heyoka Solutions, LLC is dedicated to bringing the highest quality shelter products, methods and systems to fruition by approaching them from every angle. There is no room in our thinking to perpetuate negative thinking that anything is impossible regarding how we live day to day in our homes or for our personal forms of shelter (e.g. clothing). We are committed to upholding the values of Native Americans that the earth is not ours to possess. We are all merely stewards of this planet. Therefore we make all efforts to assure that our actions and progress from a business perspective are as gentle to the earth as possible and we continue to look for ways to help heal the mistreatment from generations of inhabitants and look forward to preserving and sustaining the future of many generations to come.
Heyoka Solutions was founded in October of 2006. It is located in Falmouth, Massachusetts (the birthplace of Katherine Lee Bates, author of "America the Beautiful") on Cape Cod. We have been working with building science and residential ventilation systems since 1977 in one form or another. Our vision is to "Bring Sustainability Home" and our mission is to "develop and promote the necessary means for comfortable and sustainable living".
Kate Raymer, President of Heyoka Solutions, is an attorney who believes in equal justice. She wants to recycle materials, wisdom, and energy.
Raymer the Chief Investigator of Heyoka Solutions is a Certified HERS
Rater, a BPI Certified Building and Envelope Analyst, AC/Heat Pump Professional, Heating Professional, Healthy Home Evaluator, BPI Proctor & Super-Proctor, an IREC Certified Master Trainer, a member of ASHRAE
62.2 SSPC, and author of The Residential Ventilation Handbook, the Residential QCI Handbook, and Recalculating Truth (a novel).
You can find us at:
19 Howes Lane
PO Box 787
Falmouth, MA 02540
Our phone is: 866-389-8578
Our fax is: 508-444-8737